Couchbase Event Tracing Functional Requirements

Date: 2016-04-26


This document details the functional requirements for the proposed Couchbase Event Tracing API outlined in the Couchbase Event Tracing One Pager.

At a high level, an Application will make use of the proposed event tracing Library to record events of interest, via the Tracing API. These events will then be exported to a format compatible with the Chrome Event Viewer, so they can be viewed and analysed by users.

Event Recording

Minimal Functional Requirements

The following requirements are considered to be the minimal set for the event tracing library to record events.

Where performance metrics are expressed, these are assumed to be measured on a modern (SandyBridge upwards ) 64bit Intel processor running at least 1.9GHz.

M.1: ✓ The API will allow the Application to record application-defined events by making an appropriate Tracing API call at from code.

M.2: ✓ An Event consists of (at a minimum):

  • A timestamp
  • A name
  • A category
  • A thread ID

M.3: ✓ Event timestamps must have precision of at least 1 microsecond. (Chromium JSON format only supports microsecond resolution)

M.4: ✓ Events can optionally have up to two user-defined 8Byte fields associated with them (in addition to the name, category and timestamp. These fields will have a limited set of types. Exact types TBD, but for example: bool, int, float, string, pointer.

M.5: ✓ Event Tracing can be enabled / disabled globally. When event tracing is globally disabled, the CPU overhead should be minimal (i.e. of the order of ASM-level load, compare & branch instructions).

M.6: ✓ The Library must record events into a RAM data structure (Event Log), and allow retrieval of all recorded events.

M.7: ✓ The size of the Event Log must be Application-configurable. It must at least allow a range of 1MB to 1GB.

M.8: ✓ The amount of RAM used by the Event Tracer must not exceed 110% of the configured log size when event tracing is enabled.

M.9: ✓ The event log can be cleared (all events discarded) when tracing is not running.

M.10: ✓ When the event log is empty (after clearing, or before it is enabled) the amount of RAM used by the Event Tracer must be less than 100KB.

M.11: ✓ When tracing is enabled, the cost of recording of a single event with two user-defined fields to the in-memory Event Log (measured from before calling the Event API to it returning) must be 1 microsecond or less.

M.12: ✗ The Library must facilitate the use of a memory-mapped file for the Event Log (so the log can be directly persisted to disk by the OS). Note: The Library does not need to handle the disk writing itself.

Extended Functional Requirements

The following requirements describe desirable functionality, which increases the utility and functionality of the event tracing feature - they are nice to have, although the event tracing library.

E.1: ✓ Events can be enabled / disabled at a category level.

E.2: ✗ Events can be retrieved at a category level.

E.3: ✗ Events can be retrieved by specifying a timestamp start / end (i.e. "give me all events which fall between these two timestamps").

Event Analysis

Minimal Functional Requirements

The following requirements are considered the minimum for the analysis component, which allows the recorded events to be viewed and analyzed by users.

M.100: ✓ The event log can be exported to a format which can be read by the Chrome Event Viewer (chrome://tracing).