Couchbase Lite C
Couchbase Lite C API
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CCBLDatabaseConfigurationDatabase configuration options
 CCBLEncryptionKeyEncryption key specified in a CBLDatabaseConfiguration
 CCBLErrorA struct holding information about an error
 CCBLFullTextIndexConfigurationFull-Text Index Configuration
 CCBLLogFileConfigurationThe properties for configuring logging to files
 CCBLProxySettingsProxy settings for the replicator
 CCBLReplicatedDocumentInformation about a document that's been pushed or pulled
 CCBLReplicationCollectionThe collection and the configuration that can be configured specifically for the replication
 CCBLReplicatorConfigurationThe configuration of a replicator
 CCBLReplicatorProgressA fractional progress value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 as replication progresses
 CCBLReplicatorStatusA replicator's current status
 CCBLValueIndexConfigurationValue Index Configuration
 CFLArrayIteratorOpaque array iterator
 CFLDictIteratorOpaque dictionary iterator
 CFLDictKeyOpaque key for a dictionary
 CFLSliceA simple reference to a block of memory
 CFLSliceResultA heap-allocated block of memory returned from an API call