Couchbase Lite cross-platform core implementation
CC4Address | A simple parsed-URL type |
CC4BlobKey | A unique identifier of a blob based on a SHA-1 digest of its contents |
CC4CollectionChange | Represents a change to a document in a collection, as returned from c4dbobs_getChanges |
CC4CollectionObservation | A struct to hold the results of a call to c4dbobs_getChanges |
CC4CollectionSpec | Full identifier of a collection in a database, including its scope |
CC4DatabaseConfig | |
CC4DatabaseConfig2 | Main database configuration struct (version 2) for use with c4db_openNamed etc |
CC4DocPutRequest | Parameters for adding a revision using c4doc_put |
CC4Document | Describes a version-controlled document |
CC4DocumentEnded | Information about a document that's been pushed or pulled |
CC4DocumentInfo | Metadata about a document (actually about its current revision.) |
CC4EncryptionKey | Encryption key specified in a C4DatabaseConfig |
CC4EnumeratorOptions | Options for enumerating over all documents |
CC4Error | An error value |
CC4ExtraInfo | Client-defined metadata that can be associated with some objects like C4Database |
CC4FullTextMatch | Info about a match of a full-text query term |
CC4IndexOptions | Options for indexes; these each apply to specific types of indexes |
CC4ListenerConfig | Configuration for a C4Listener |
CC4LogFileOptions | Configuration for file-based logging |
CC4PredictiveModel | Configuration struct for registering a predictive model |
CC4Progress | Represents the current progress of a replicator |
CC4QueryEnumerator | A query result enumerator |
CC4QueryOptions | Options for running queries |
CC4RawDocument | Contents of a raw document |
CC4ReplicationCollection | |
CC4ReplicatorParameters | Parameters describing a replication, used when creating a C4Replicator |
CC4ReplicatorStatus | Current status of replication |
CC4Revision | Describes a revision of a document |
CC4SocketFactory | A group of callbacks that define the implementation of sockets; the client must fill this out and pass it to c4socket_registerFactory() before using any socket-based API |
CC4TLSConfig | TLS configuration for C4Listener |
CFLArrayIterator | Opaque array iterator |
CFLDictIterator | Opaque dictionary iterator |
CFLDictKey | Opaque key for a dictionary |
CFLPathComponent | |
CFLSlice | A simple reference to a block of memory |
CFLSliceResult | A heap-allocated block of memory returned from an API call |