Couchbase Lite cross-platform core implementation
No Matches

Data Structures

struct  C4Revision
 Describes a revision of a document. More...
struct  C4DocPutRequest
 Parameters for adding a revision using c4doc_put. More...


typedef uint32_t C4RemoteID
 Identifies a remote database being replicated with.


enum  C4DocumentFlags : uint32_t { kDocDeleted = 0x01 , kDocConflicted = 0x02 , kDocHasAttachments = 0x04 , kDocExists = 0x1000 }
enum  C4RevisionFlags : uint8_t {
  kRevDeleted = 0x01 , kRevLeaf = 0x02 , kRevNew = 0x04 , kRevHasAttachments = 0x08 ,
  kRevKeepBody = 0x10 , kRevIsConflict = 0x20 , kRevClosed = 0x40 , kRevPurged = 0x80
enum  C4DocContentLevel : uint8_t { kDocGetMetadata , kDocGetCurrentRev , kDocGetAll , kDocGetUpgraded }

Creating and Updating Documents

typedef C4SliceResult(* C4DocDeltaApplier) (void *context, C4Document *doc, C4Slice delta, C4RevisionFlags *revFlags, C4Error *outError)
 Optional callback to c4doc_put that generates the new revision body, based on an earlier revision body and the body of the C4DocPutRequest.


CBL_CORE_API FLDict c4doc_getProperties (C4Document *)
 Returns the properties of the selected revision, i.e.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API FLDoc c4doc_createFleeceDoc (C4Document *)
 Returns a Fleece document reference created from the selected revision.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_resolveConflict2 (C4Document *doc, C4String winningRevID, C4String losingRevID, FLDict mergedProperties, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error)
 Resolves a conflict between two leaf revisions.
CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_containingValue (FLValue value)
 Returns the C4Document, if any, that contains the given Fleece value.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_isOldMetaProperty (C4String prop)
 Returns true if this is the name of a 1.x metadata property ("_id", "_rev", "_deleted".) Does NOT return true for "_attachments" because that property isn't obsolete.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_hasOldMetaProperties (FLDict doc)
 Returns true if the document contains 1.x metadata properties at top level.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_encodeStrippingOldMetaProperties (FLDict doc, FLSharedKeys sk, C4Error *outError)
 Re-encodes to Fleece, without any 1.x metadata properties.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_getDictBlobKey (FLDict dict, C4BlobKey *outKey)
 Decodes the dict's "digest" property to a C4BlobKey.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_dictIsBlob (FLDict dict, C4BlobKey *outKey)
 Returns true if the given dictionary is a [reference to a] blob; if so, gets its key.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_dictContainsBlobs (FLDict dict)
 Returns true if the given dictionary is a [reference to a] blob;.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getBlobData (FLDict dict, C4BlobStore *blobStore, C4Error *outError)
 Returns the contents of a blob dictionary, whether they're inline in the "data" property, or indirectly referenced via the "digest" property.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_blobIsCompressible (FLDict blobDict)
 Given a dictionary that's a reference to a blob, determines whether it's worth trying to compress the blob's data.
CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4doc_bodyAsJSON (C4Document *doc, bool canonical, C4Error *outError)
 Translates the body of the selected revision from Fleece to JSON.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API FLEncoder c4db_createFleeceEncoder (C4Database *db)
 Creates a Fleece encoder for creating documents for a given database.
CBL_CORE_API FLEncoder c4db_getSharedFleeceEncoder (C4Database *db)
 Returns a shared Fleece encoder for creating documents for a given database.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4db_encodeJSON (C4Database *, C4String jsonData, C4Error *outError)
 Encodes JSON data to Fleece, to store into a document.
CBL_CORE_API FLSharedKeys c4db_getFLSharedKeys (C4Database *db)
 Returns the FLSharedKeys object used by the given database.
#define kC4ObjectTypeProperty   "@type"
 The sub-document property that identifies it as a special type of object.
#define kC4ObjectType_Blob   "blob"
 Value of kC4ObjectTypeProperty that denotes a blob.
#define kC4BlobDigestProperty   "digest"
 Blob dict property containing a digest of the data.
#define kC4BlobDataProperty   "data"
 Blob dict property containing the data itself.
#define kC4LegacyAttachmentsProperty   "_attachments"
 Top-level document property whose value is a CBL 1.x / CouchDB attachments container.
#define kC4ObjectType_Encryptable   "encryptable"
 Value of kC4ObjectTypeProperty that denotes an encryptable value.
#define kC4EncryptableValueProperty   "value"
 Encryptable-value property containing the actual value; may be any type.


CBL_CORE_API char * c4doc_generateID (char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
 Generates a random 23-byte C string suitable for use as a unique new document ID.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4db_getDoc (C4Database *database, C4String docID, bool mustExist, C4DocContentLevel content, C4Error *outError)
 Gets a document from the database given its ID.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_get (C4Database *database, C4String docID, bool mustExist, C4Error *outError)
 Gets a document from the database given its ID (semi-deprecated).
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_getBySequence (C4Database *database, C4SequenceNumber, C4Error *outError)
 Gets a document from the database given its sequence number.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_save (C4Document *doc, uint32_t maxRevTreeDepth, C4Error *outError)
 Saves changes to a C4Document.
#define kC4GeneratedIDLength   23


CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_isRevRejected (C4Document *doc)
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectRevision (C4Document *doc, C4String revID, bool withBody, C4Error *outError)
 Selects a specific revision of a document (or no revision, if revID is NULL.)
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectCurrentRevision (C4Document *doc)
 Selects the current revision of a document.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_loadRevisionBody (C4Document *doc, C4Error *outError)
 Populates the body field of a doc's selected revision, if it was initially loaded without its body.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_hasRevisionBody (C4Document *doc)
 Returns true if the body of the selected revision is available, i.e.
CBL_CORE_API C4Slice c4doc_getRevisionBody (C4Document *doc)
 Returns the body (encoded Fleece data) of the selected revision, if available.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getRevisionHistory (C4Document *doc, unsigned maxRevs, const C4String backToRevs[], unsigned backToRevsCount)
 Returns a string encoding the selected revision's history, as comma-separate revision/version IDs in reverse chronological order.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getSelectedRevIDGlobalForm (C4Document *doc)
 Returns the selected revision's ID in a form that will make sense to another peer/server.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectParentRevision (C4Document *doc)
 Selects the parent of the selected revision, if it's known, else returns false.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectNextRevision (C4Document *doc)
 Selects the next revision in priority order.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectNextLeafRevision (C4Document *doc, bool includeDeleted, bool withBody, C4Error *outError)
 Selects the next leaf revision; like selectNextRevision but skips over non-leaves.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectCommonAncestorRevision (C4Document *doc, C4String rev1ID, C4String rev2ID)
 Selects the common ancestor of two revisions.
CBL_CORE_API C4RemoteID c4db_getRemoteDBID (C4Database *db, C4String remoteAddress, bool canCreate, C4Error *outError)
 Looks up or creates a numeric ID identifying a remote database, for use with c4doc_getRemoteAncestor() and c4doc_setRemoteAncestor().
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4db_getRemoteDBAddress (C4Database *db, C4RemoteID remoteID)
 Given a remote database ID, returns its replication URL / unique identifier.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getRemoteAncestor (C4Document *doc, C4RemoteID remoteDatabase)
 Returns the revision ID that has been marked as current for the given remote database.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_setRemoteAncestor (C4Document *doc, C4RemoteID remoteDatabase, C4String revID, C4Error *error)
 Marks a revision as current for the given remote database.
CBL_CORE_API unsigned c4rev_getGeneration (C4String revID)
 Given a tree-based revision ID, returns its generation number (the decimal number before the hyphen), or zero if it's unparseable.
CBL_CORE_API uint64_t c4rev_getTimestamp (C4String revID)
 Given a revision ID that's a Version (of the form time@peer), returns its timestamp.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4rev_equal (C4Slice rev1, C4Slice rev2)
 Returns true if two revision IDs are equivalent.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API int32_t c4doc_purgeRevision (C4Document *doc, C4String revID, C4Error *outError)
 Removes a branch from a document's history.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_resolveConflict (C4Document *doc, C4String winningRevID, C4String losingRevID, C4Slice mergedBody, C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags, C4Error *error)
 Resolves a conflict between two leaf revisions, by deleting one of them and optionally adding a new merged revision as a child of the other.

Purging and Expiration

CBL_CORE_API bool c4db_purgeDoc (C4Database *database, C4String docID, C4Error *outError)
 Removes all trace of a document and its revisions from the database.
CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_setExpiration (C4Database *db, C4String docID, C4Timestamp timestamp, C4Error *outError)
 Sets an expiration date on a document.
CBL_CORE_API C4Timestamp c4doc_getExpiration (C4Database *db, C4String docID, C4Error *outError)
 Returns the expiration time of a document, if one has been set, else 0.

Creating and Updating Documents

CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_put (C4Database *database, const C4DocPutRequest *request, size_t *outCommonAncestorIndex, C4Error *outError)
 A high-level Put operation, to insert a new or downloaded revision.
CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_create (C4Database *db, C4String docID, C4Slice body, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error)
 Convenience function to create a new document.
CBL_CORE_API C4Documentc4doc_update (C4Document *doc, C4Slice revisionBody, C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags, C4Error *error)
 Adds a revision to a document already in memory as a C4Document.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ kC4BlobDataProperty

#define kC4BlobDataProperty   "data"

Blob dict property containing the data itself.

(Required if "digest" is absent)

◆ kC4BlobDigestProperty

#define kC4BlobDigestProperty   "digest"

Blob dict property containing a digest of the data.

(Required if "data" is absent)

◆ kC4EncryptableValueProperty

#define kC4EncryptableValueProperty   "value"

Encryptable-value property containing the actual value; may be any type.


◆ kC4GeneratedIDLength

#define kC4GeneratedIDLength   23

◆ kC4LegacyAttachmentsProperty

#define kC4LegacyAttachmentsProperty   "_attachments"

Top-level document property whose value is a CBL 1.x / CouchDB attachments container.

◆ kC4ObjectType_Blob

#define kC4ObjectType_Blob   "blob"

Value of kC4ObjectTypeProperty that denotes a blob.

◆ kC4ObjectType_Encryptable

#define kC4ObjectType_Encryptable   "encryptable"

Value of kC4ObjectTypeProperty that denotes an encryptable value.

◆ kC4ObjectTypeProperty

#define kC4ObjectTypeProperty   "@type"

The sub-document property that identifies it as a special type of object.

For example, a blob is represented as {"@type":"blob", "digest":"xxxx", ...}

Typedef Documentation

◆ C4DocDeltaApplier

typedef C4SliceResult(* C4DocDeltaApplier) (void *context, C4Document *doc, C4Slice delta, C4RevisionFlags *revFlags, C4Error *outError)

Optional callback to c4doc_put that generates the new revision body, based on an earlier revision body and the body of the C4DocPutRequest.

It's intended for use when the new revision is specified as a delta.

contextThe same value given in the C4DocPutRequest's deltaCBContext field.
docThe document; its selected revision is the one requested in the deltaSourceRevID.
deltaThe contents of the request's body or allocedBody.
revFlagsIf not nullptr, its value may be updated after the delta is applied.
outErrorIf the callback fails, store an error here if it's non-NULL.
The body to store in the new revision, or a null slice on failure.

◆ C4RemoteID

typedef uint32_t C4RemoteID

Identifies a remote database being replicated with.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ C4DocContentLevel

enum C4DocContentLevel : uint8_t

Only get revID and flags.


Get current revision body but not other revisions/remotes.


Get everything.


Get everything, upgrade to latest format (version vectors)

◆ C4DocumentFlags

enum C4DocumentFlags : uint32_t

The document's current revision is deleted.


The document is in conflict.


The document's current revision has attachments.


The document exists (i.e. has revisions.)

◆ C4RevisionFlags

enum C4RevisionFlags : uint8_t

Is this revision a deletion/tombstone?


Is this revision a leaf (no children?)


Has this rev been inserted since the doc was read?


Does this rev's body contain attachments?


Revision's body should not be discarded when non-leaf.


Unresolved conflicting revision; will never be current.


Rev is the (deleted) end of a closed conflicting branch.


Revision is purged (this flag is never stored in the db)

Function Documentation

◆ c4db_createFleeceEncoder()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API FLEncoder c4db_createFleeceEncoder ( C4Database * db)

Creates a Fleece encoder for creating documents for a given database.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4db_encodeJSON()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4db_encodeJSON ( C4Database * ,
C4String jsonData,
C4Error * outError )

Encodes JSON data to Fleece, to store into a document.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4db_getDoc()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4db_getDoc ( C4Database * database,
C4String docID,
bool mustExist,
C4DocContentLevel content,
C4Error * outError )

Gets a document from the database given its ID.

The current revision is selected (if the document exists.) You must call c4doc_release() when finished with the document.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
databaseThe database to read from.
docIDThe document's ID.
mustExistGoverns behavior if no document with that ID exists. If true, the call fails with error kC4NotFound. If false, a C4Document with no contents is returned.
contentHow much content to retrieve: metadata only, current revision, or all revisions.
outErrorOn failure, error information is stored here.
A new C4Document instance (which must be released), or NULL.

◆ c4db_getFLSharedKeys()

CBL_CORE_API FLSharedKeys c4db_getFLSharedKeys ( C4Database * db)

Returns the FLSharedKeys object used by the given database.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4db_getRemoteDBAddress()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4db_getRemoteDBAddress ( C4Database * db,
C4RemoteID remoteID )

Given a remote database ID, returns its replication URL / unique identifier.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
dbThe database.
remoteIDThe ID assigned to the remote database.
The URL/identifier, or a null slice if not found.

◆ c4db_getRemoteDBID()

CBL_CORE_API C4RemoteID c4db_getRemoteDBID ( C4Database * db,
C4String remoteAddress,
bool canCreate,
C4Error * outError )

Looks up or creates a numeric ID identifying a remote database, for use with c4doc_getRemoteAncestor() and c4doc_setRemoteAncestor().

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
dbThe database.
remoteAddressThe replication URL of the remote db, or its other unique identifier.
canCreateIf true, a new identifier will be created if one doesn't exist.
outErrorError information is stored here.
The ID, or 0 on error.

◆ c4db_getSharedFleeceEncoder()

CBL_CORE_API FLEncoder c4db_getSharedFleeceEncoder ( C4Database * db)

Returns a shared Fleece encoder for creating documents for a given database.

DO NOT FREE THIS ENCODER. Instead, call FLEncoder_Reset() when finished.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4db_purgeDoc()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4db_purgeDoc ( C4Database * database,
C4String docID,
C4Error * outError )

Removes all trace of a document and its revisions from the database.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_blobIsCompressible()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_blobIsCompressible ( FLDict blobDict)

Given a dictionary that's a reference to a blob, determines whether it's worth trying to compress the blob's data.

This is done by examining the "encoding" and "content_type" properties and using heuristics to detect types that are already compressed, like gzip or JPEG. If no warning flags are found it will return true.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume blobDict is obtained from the database.

◆ c4doc_bodyAsJSON()

CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4doc_bodyAsJSON ( C4Document * doc,
bool canonical,
C4Error * outError )

Translates the body of the selected revision from Fleece to JSON.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_containingValue()

CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_containingValue ( FLValue value)

Returns the C4Document, if any, that contains the given Fleece value.

◆ c4doc_create()

CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_create ( C4Database * db,
C4String docID,
C4Slice body,
C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags,
C4Error * error )

Convenience function to create a new document.

This just a wrapper around c4doc_put. If the document already exists, it will fail with the error kC4ErrorConflict.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
dbThe database to create the document in
docIDDocument ID to create; if null, a UUID will be generated
bodyBody of the document
revisionFlagsThe flags of the new revision
errorInformation about any error that occurred
On success, a new C4Document with the new revision selected; else NULL.

◆ c4doc_createFleeceDoc()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API FLDoc c4doc_createFleeceDoc ( C4Document * )

Returns a Fleece document reference created from the selected revision.

Caller must release the reference!

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_dictContainsBlobs()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_dictContainsBlobs ( FLDict dict)

Returns true if the given dictionary is a [reference to a] blob;.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume dict is obtained from the database.

◆ c4doc_dictIsBlob()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_dictIsBlob ( FLDict dict,
C4BlobKey * outKey )

Returns true if the given dictionary is a [reference to a] blob; if so, gets its key.

(This function cannot recognize child dictionaries of "_attachments", because it's not possible to look at the parent of a Fleece value.)

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume dict is obtained from the database.

◆ c4doc_encodeStrippingOldMetaProperties()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_encodeStrippingOldMetaProperties ( FLDict doc,
FLSharedKeys sk,
C4Error * outError )

Re-encodes to Fleece, without any 1.x metadata properties.

Old-style attachments that don't refer to blobs will be removed; others are kept.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4doc_generateID()

CBL_CORE_API char * c4doc_generateID ( char * buffer,
size_t bufferSize )

Generates a random 23-byte C string suitable for use as a unique new document ID.

bufferWhere to write the string.
bufferSizeSize of the buffer (must be at least kC4GeneratedIDLength + 1)
A pointer to the string in the buffer, or NULL if the buffer is too small.

◆ c4doc_get()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_get ( C4Database * database,
C4String docID,
bool mustExist,
C4Error * outError )

Gets a document from the database given its ID (semi-deprecated).

This is the same as c4db_getDoc with content equal to kDocGetCurrentRev.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_getBlobData()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getBlobData ( FLDict dict,
C4BlobStore * blobStore,
C4Error * outError )

Returns the contents of a blob dictionary, whether they're inline in the "data" property, or indirectly referenced via the "digest" property.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume dict is obtained from the database.
You can omit the C4BlobStore, but if the blob has no inline data the function will give up and return a null slice (and clear the error, since this isn't a failure.)
dictA blob dictionary.
blobStoreThe database's BlobStore, or NULL to suppress loading blobs from disk.
outErrorOn failure, the error will be written here.
The blob data, or null on failure.

◆ c4doc_getBySequence()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_getBySequence ( C4Database * database,
C4SequenceNumber ,
C4Error * outError )

Gets a document from the database given its sequence number.

You must call c4doc_release() when finished with the document.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_getDictBlobKey()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_getDictBlobKey ( FLDict dict,
C4BlobKey * outKey )

Decodes the dict's "digest" property to a C4BlobKey.

Returns false if there is no such property or it's not a valid blob key.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume dict is obtained from the database.

◆ c4doc_getExpiration()

CBL_CORE_API C4Timestamp c4doc_getExpiration ( C4Database * db,
C4String docID,
C4Error * outError )

Returns the expiration time of a document, if one has been set, else 0.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
dbThe database to set the expiration date in
docIDThe ID of the document to check
outErrorInformation about any error that occurred
The timestamp of the expiration date, in milliseconds since 1/1/1970, or 0 if the document does not expire, or -1 if an error occurred.

◆ c4doc_getProperties()

CBL_CORE_API FLDict c4doc_getProperties ( C4Document * )

Returns the properties of the selected revision, i.e.

the root Fleece Dict.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_getRemoteAncestor()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getRemoteAncestor ( C4Document * doc,
C4RemoteID remoteDatabase )

Returns the revision ID that has been marked as current for the given remote database.

The caller must use a lock for Database and Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_getRevisionBody()

CBL_CORE_API C4Slice c4doc_getRevisionBody ( C4Document * doc)

Returns the body (encoded Fleece data) of the selected revision, if available.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.
In a version-vector document, and if this is not the current revision, the returned slice is invalidated the next time this function is called.

◆ c4doc_getRevisionHistory()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getRevisionHistory ( C4Document * doc,
unsigned maxRevs,
const C4String backToRevs[],
unsigned backToRevsCount )

Returns a string encoding the selected revision's history, as comma-separate revision/version IDs in reverse chronological order.

In a version-vector database this is of course the revision's version vector. It will be in global form (real SourceID instead of "*") unless the maxRevs parameter is 0.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.
docThe document.
maxRevsThe maximum number of revisions to include in the result; or 0 for unlimited.
backToRevsAn array of revision IDs: the history should stop when it gets to any of these, and must go back to one of these if possible, even if it means skipping some revisions.
backToRevsCountThe number of revisions in the backToRevs array.
A string of comma-separate revision/version IDs in reverse chronological order.

◆ c4doc_getSelectedRevIDGlobalForm()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4doc_getSelectedRevIDGlobalForm ( C4Document * doc)

Returns the selected revision's ID in a form that will make sense to another peer/server.

(This doesn't affect tree-based revIDs. In vector-based version IDs it uses the database's actual peer ID instead of the shorthand "*" character.)

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_hasOldMetaProperties()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_hasOldMetaProperties ( FLDict doc)

Returns true if the document contains 1.x metadata properties at top level.

Does NOT return true for "_attachments" because that property isn't obsolete.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
Assume doc is obtained from the database.

◆ c4doc_hasRevisionBody()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_hasRevisionBody ( C4Document * doc)

Returns true if the body of the selected revision is available, i.e.

if c4doc_loadRevisionBody() would succeed.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_isOldMetaProperty()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_isOldMetaProperty ( C4String prop)

Returns true if this is the name of a 1.x metadata property ("_id", "_rev", "_deleted".) Does NOT return true for "_attachments" because that property isn't obsolete.

◆ c4doc_isRevRejected()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_isRevRejected ( C4Document * doc)

◆ c4doc_loadRevisionBody()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_loadRevisionBody ( C4Document * doc,
C4Error * outError )

Populates the body field of a doc's selected revision, if it was initially loaded without its body.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_purgeRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API int32_t c4doc_purgeRevision ( C4Document * doc,
C4String revID,
C4Error * outError )

Removes a branch from a document's history.

The revID must correspond to a leaf revision; that revision and its ancestors will be removed, except for ancestors that are shared with another branch. If the document has only one branch (no conflicts), or if the input revID is null, the purge will remove every revision, and saving the document will purge it (remove it completely from the database.) Must be called within a transaction. Remember to save the document afterwards.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.
docThe document.
revIDThe ID of the revision to purge. If null, all revisions are purged.
outErrorError information is stored here.
The total number of revisions purged (including ancestors), or -1 on error.

◆ c4doc_put()

CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_put ( C4Database * database,
const C4DocPutRequest * request,
size_t * outCommonAncestorIndex,
C4Error * outError )

A high-level Put operation, to insert a new or downloaded revision.

If request->existingRevision is true, then request->history must contain the revision's history, with the revision's ID as the first item. Otherwise, a new revision will be created and assigned a revID. The parent revision ID, if any, should be given as the single item of request->history. Either way, on success the document is returned with the inserted revision selected. Note that actually saving the document back to the database is optional – it only happens if request->save is true. You can set this to false if you want to review the changes before saving, e.g. to run them through a validation function.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_resolveConflict()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_resolveConflict ( C4Document * doc,
C4String winningRevID,
C4String losingRevID,
C4Slice mergedBody,
C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags,
C4Error * error )

Resolves a conflict between two leaf revisions, by deleting one of them and optionally adding a new merged revision as a child of the other.

Must be called within a transaction. Remember to save the document afterwards.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.
docThe document.
winningRevIDThe conflicting revision to be kept (and optionally updated.)
losingRevIDThe conflicting revision to be deleted.
mergedBodyThe body of the merged revision, or NULL if none.
mergedFlagsFlags for the merged revision.
errorError information is stored here.
True on success, false on failure.

◆ c4doc_resolveConflict2()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_resolveConflict2 ( C4Document * doc,
C4String winningRevID,
C4String losingRevID,
FLDict mergedProperties,
C4RevisionFlags mergedFlags,
C4Error * error )

Resolves a conflict between two leaf revisions.

Identical to c4doc_resolveConflict except that it takes the merged body as a Fleece Dict, instead of pre-encoded Fleece data.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_save()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_save ( C4Document * doc,
uint32_t maxRevTreeDepth,
C4Error * outError )

Saves changes to a C4Document.

Must be called within a transaction. The revision history will be pruned to the maximum depth given.

The caller must use a lock for Database and Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectCommonAncestorRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectCommonAncestorRevision ( C4Document * doc,
C4String rev1ID,
C4String rev2ID )

Selects the common ancestor of two revisions.

Returns false if none is found.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectCurrentRevision()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectCurrentRevision ( C4Document * doc)

Selects the current revision of a document.

(This is the first revision, in the order they appear in the document.)

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectNextLeafRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectNextLeafRevision ( C4Document * doc,
bool includeDeleted,
bool withBody,
C4Error * outError )

Selects the next leaf revision; like selectNextRevision but skips over non-leaves.

To distinguish between the end of the iteration and a failure, check the value of outError after the function returns false: if there's no error (code==0) it's normal.

The caller must use a lock for Documnet when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectNextRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectNextRevision ( C4Document * doc)

Selects the next revision in priority order.

This can be used to iterate over all revisions, starting from the current revision.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectParentRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectParentRevision ( C4Document * doc)

Selects the parent of the selected revision, if it's known, else returns false.

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_selectRevision()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_selectRevision ( C4Document * doc,
C4String revID,
bool withBody,
C4Error * outError )

Selects a specific revision of a document (or no revision, if revID is NULL.)

The caller must use a lock for Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_setExpiration()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_setExpiration ( C4Database * db,
C4String docID,
C4Timestamp timestamp,
C4Error * outError )

Sets an expiration date on a document.

After this time the document will be purged from the database.

The caller must use a lock for Database when this function is called.
dbThe database to set the expiration date in
docIDThe ID of the document to set the expiration date for
timestampThe timestamp of the expiration date, in milliseconds since 1/1/1970. A value of 0 indicates that the expiration should be cancelled.
outErrorInformation about any error that occurred
true on sucess, false on failure

◆ c4doc_setRemoteAncestor()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4doc_setRemoteAncestor ( C4Document * doc,
C4RemoteID remoteDatabase,
C4String revID,
C4Error * error )

Marks a revision as current for the given remote database.

The caller must use a lock for Database and Document when this function is called.

◆ c4doc_update()

CBL_CORE_API C4Document * c4doc_update ( C4Document * doc,
C4Slice revisionBody,
C4RevisionFlags revisionFlags,
C4Error * error )

Adds a revision to a document already in memory as a C4Document.

This is more efficient than c4doc_put because it doesn't have to read from the database before writing; but if the C4Document doesn't have the current state of the document, it will fail with the error kC4ErrorConflict – then you'll need to get the current document and try again. The new revision is added as a child of the currently selected revision.

The caller must use a lock for Database and Document when this function is called.
docThe document to update
revisionBodyThe body of the new revision
revisionFlagsThe flags of the new revision
errorInformation about any error that occurred
On success, a new C4Document with the new revision selected; else NULL.

◆ c4rev_equal()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4rev_equal ( C4Slice rev1,
C4Slice rev2 )

Returns true if two revision IDs are equivalent.

  • Digest-based IDs are equivalent only if byte-for-byte equal.
  • Version-vector based IDs are equivalent if their initial versions are equal.

◆ c4rev_getGeneration()

CBL_CORE_API unsigned c4rev_getGeneration ( C4String revID)

Given a tree-based revision ID, returns its generation number (the decimal number before the hyphen), or zero if it's unparseable.

This function does not support version-based revision IDs. Given one it returns zero, because the timestamp would be too big to return on platforms where unsigned is 32-bit. Use c4rev_getTimestamp to support version-based revIDs.

◆ c4rev_getTimestamp()

CBL_CORE_API uint64_t c4rev_getTimestamp ( C4String revID)

Given a revision ID that's a Version (of the form time@peer), returns its timestamp.

This can be interpreted as the time the revision was created, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch, but it's not necessarily exact.

If this is a tree-based revision ID (of the form gen-digest), it returns the generation number. (This can be distinguished from a timestamp because it's much, much smaller! Timestamps will be at least 2^50, while generations rarely hit one million.)