A CBLDatabase is both a filesystem object and a container for documents.
Opening, closing, and managing open databases.
enum | CBLMaintenanceType : uint32_t {
kCBLMaintenanceTypeCompact = 0
, kCBLMaintenanceTypeReindex
, kCBLMaintenanceTypeIntegrityCheck
, kCBLMaintenanceTypeOptimize
} |
_cbl_warn_unused CBLDatabase *_cbl_nullable | CBLDatabase_Open (FLSlice name, const CBLDatabaseConfiguration *_cbl_nullable config, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Opens a database, or creates it if it doesn't exist yet, returning a new CBLDatabase instance.
bool | CBLDatabase_Close (CBLDatabase *, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Closes an open database.
static const CBLDatabase * | CBLDatabase_Retain (const CBLDatabase *_cbl_nullable t) |
static void | CBLDatabase_Release (const CBLDatabase *_cbl_nullable t) |
bool | CBLDatabase_Delete (CBLDatabase *, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Closes and deletes a database.
bool | CBLDatabase_BeginTransaction (CBLDatabase *, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Begins a transaction.
bool | CBLDatabase_EndTransaction (CBLDatabase *, bool commit, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Ends a transaction, either committing or aborting.
bool | CBLDatabase_ChangeEncryptionKey (CBLDatabase *, const CBLEncryptionKey *_cbl_nullable newKey, CBLError *outError) |
| Encrypts or decrypts a database, or changes its encryption key.
bool | CBLDatabase_PerformMaintenance (CBLDatabase *db, CBLMaintenanceType type, CBLError *_cbl_nullable outError) |
| Performs database maintenance.
A CBLDatabase is both a filesystem object and a container for documents.
◆ CBLDatabase
A connection to an open database.
◆ CBLDatabaseChangeListener
A default collection change listener callback, invoked after one or more documents in the default collection are changed on disk.
- Warning
- By default, this listener may be called on arbitrary threads. If your code isn't prepared for that, you may want to use CBLDatabase_BufferNotifications so that listeners will be called in a safe context.
Deprecated : CBLCollectionChangeListener instead.
- Parameters
context | An arbitrary value given when the callback was registered. |
db | The database that changed. |
numDocs | The number of documents that changed (size of the docIDs array) |
docIDs | The IDs of the documents that changed, as a C array of numDocs C strings. |
◆ CBLEncryptionAlgorithm
Enumerator |
kCBLEncryptionNone | No encryption (default)
kCBLEncryptionAES256 | AES with 256-bit key.
◆ CBLEncryptionKeySize
◆ CBLMaintenanceType
Enumerator |
kCBLMaintenanceTypeCompact | Compact the database file and delete unused attachments.
kCBLMaintenanceTypeReindex | Rebuild the entire database's indexes.
kCBLMaintenanceTypeIntegrityCheck | Check for the database’s corruption. If found, an error will be returned.
kCBLMaintenanceTypeOptimize | Partially scan indexes to gather database statistics that help optimize queries.
This operation is also performed automatically when closing the database.
kCBLMaintenanceTypeFullOptimize | Fully scans all indexes to gather database statistics that help optimize queries.
This may take some time, depending on the size of the indexes, but it doesn't have to be redone unless the database changes drastically, or new indexes are created.
◆ CBL_CopyDatabase()
Copies a database file to a new location, and assigns it a new internal UUID to distinguish it from the original database when replicating.
- Parameters
fromPath | The full filesystem path to the original database (including extension). |
toName | The new database name (without the ".cblite2" extension.) |
config | The database configuration (directory and encryption option.) |
outError | On return, will be set to the error that occurred, if applicable. |
- Note
- While a database is open, one or more of its files may be in use. Attempting to copy a file, while it is in use, will fail. We recommend that you close a database before attempting to copy it.
◆ CBL_DatabaseExists()
Returns true if a database with the given name exists in the given directory.
- Parameters
name | The database name (without the ".cblite2" extension.) |
inDirectory | The directory containing the database. If NULL, name must be an absolute or relative path to the database. |
◆ CBL_DeleteDatabase()
Deletes a database file.
If the database file is open, an error is returned.
- Parameters
name | The database name (without the ".cblite2" extension.) |
inDirectory | The directory containing the database. If NULL, name must be an absolute or relative path to the database. |
outError | On return, will be set to the error that occurred, or a 0 code if no error. |
- Returns
- True if the database was deleted, false if it doesn't exist or deletion failed. (You can tell the last two cases apart by looking at
◆ CBLDatabase_AddChangeListener()
Registers a default collection change listener callback.
It will be called after one or more documents are changed on disk.
- Warning
- Deprecated : Use CBLCollection_AddChangeListener on the default collection instead.
- Parameters
db | The database to observe. |
listener | The callback to be invoked. |
context | An opaque value that will be passed to the callback. |
- Returns
- A token to be passed to CBLListener_Remove when it's time to remove the listener.
◆ CBLDatabase_BeginTransaction()
Begins a transaction.
You must later call CBLDatabase_EndTransaction to commit or abort the transaction.
- Note
- Multiple writes are much faster when grouped in a transaction.
Changes will not be visible to other CBLDatabase instances on the same database until the transaction ends.
Transactions can nest. Changes are not committed until the outer transaction ends.
◆ CBLDatabase_ChangeEncryptionKey()
Encrypts or decrypts a database, or changes its encryption key.
If newKey
is NULL, or its algorithm
is kCBLEncryptionNone, the database will be decrypted. Otherwise the database will be encrypted with that key; if it was already encrypted, it will be re-encrypted with the new key.
◆ CBLDatabase_Close()
◆ CBLDatabase_Config()
Returns the database's configuration, as given when it was opened.
◆ CBLDatabase_Count()
Returns the number of documents in the database, or zero if the database is closed or deleted.
- Warning
- Deprecated : Use CBLCollection_Count on the default collection instead.
◆ CBLDatabase_Delete()
Closes and deletes a database.
If there are any other connections to the database, an error is returned.
◆ CBLDatabase_EndTransaction()
Ends a transaction, either committing or aborting.
◆ CBLDatabase_Name()
Returns the database's name.
◆ CBLDatabase_Open()
Opens a database, or creates it if it doesn't exist yet, returning a new CBLDatabase instance.
It's OK to open the same database file multiple times. Each CBLDatabase instance is independent of the others (and must be separately closed and released.)
- Parameters
name | The database name (without the ".cblite2" extension.) |
config | The database configuration (directory and encryption option.) |
outError | On failure, the error will be written here. |
- Returns
- The new database object, or NULL on failure.
◆ CBLDatabase_Path()
Returns the database's full filesystem path, or null slice if the database is closed or deleted.
◆ CBLDatabase_PerformMaintenance()
Performs database maintenance.
◆ CBLDatabase_Release()
◆ CBLDatabase_Retain()
◆ CBLDatabaseConfiguration_Default()
Returns the default database configuration.
◆ CBLEncryptionKey_FromPassword()
Derives an encryption key from a password.
If your UI uses passwords, call this function to create the key used to encrypt the database. It is designed for security, and deliberately runs slowly to make brute-force attacks impractical.
- Parameters
key | The derived AES key will be stored here. |
password | The input password, which can be any data. |
- Returns
- True on success, false if there was a problem deriving the key.
◆ CBLEncryptionKey_FromPasswordOld()
VOLATILE API: Derives an encryption key from a password in a way that is compatible with certain variants of Couchbase Lite in which a slightly different hashing algorithm is used.
The same notes apply as in CBLEncryptionKey_FromPassword
- Parameters
key | The derived AES key will be stored here. |
password | The input password, which can be any data. |
- Returns
- True on success, false if there was a problem deriving the key.