Couchbase Lite cross-platform core implementation
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Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables

Data Structures

struct  C4Address
 A simple parsed-URL type. More...
struct  C4Progress
 Represents the current progress of a replicator. More...
struct  C4ReplicatorStatus
 Current status of replication. More...
struct  C4DocumentEnded
 Information about a document that's been pushed or pulled. More...
struct  C4ReplicationCollection
struct  C4ReplicatorParameters
 Parameters describing a replication, used when creating a C4Replicator. More...


#define kC4Replicator2Scheme   C4STR("ws")
#define kC4Replicator2TLSScheme   C4STR("wss")
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDocIDs   "docIDs"
 Docs to replicate (string[])
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionChannels   "channels"
 SG channel names (string[])
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionFilter   "filter"
 Pull filter name (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionFilterParams   "filterParams"
 Pull filter params (Dict[string])
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionSkipDeleted   "skipDeleted"
 Don't push/pull tombstones (bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionNoIncomingConflicts   "noIncomingConflicts"
 Reject incoming conflicts (bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorCheckpointInterval   "checkpointInterval"
 How often to checkpoint, in seconds (number)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionRemoteDBUniqueID   "remoteDBUniqueID"
 Stable ID for remote db with unstable URL (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDisableDeltas   "noDeltas"
 Disables delta sync (bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDisablePropertyDecryption   "noDecryption"
 Disables property decryption (bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetries   "maxRetries"
 Max number of retry attempts (int)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetryInterval   "maxRetryInterval"
 Max delay betw retries (secs)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAutoPurge   "autoPurge"
 Enables auto purge; default is true (bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAcceptParentDomainCookies   "acceptParentDomainCookies"
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionRootCerts   "rootCerts"
 Trusted root certs (data)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionPinnedServerCert   "pinnedCert"
 Cert or public key (data)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionOnlySelfSignedServerCert    "onlySelfSignedServer"
 Only accept self signed server certs (for P2P, bool)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionExtraHeaders   "headers"
 Extra HTTP headers (string[])
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionCookies   "cookies"
 HTTP Cookie header value (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAuthentication   "auth"
 Auth settings (Dict); see [1].
#define kC4ReplicatorOptionProxyServer   "proxy"
 Proxy settings (Dict); see [3]].
#define kC4ReplicatorHeartbeatInterval   "heartbeat"
 Interval in secs to send a keepalive ping.
#define kC4SocketOptionWSProtocols   "WS-Protocols"
 Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header value.
#define kC4SocketOptionNetworkInterface    "networkInterface"
 Specific network interface (name or IP address) used for connecting to the remote server.
#define kC4ReplicatorCompressionLevel   "BLIPCompressionLevel"
 Data compression level, 0..9.
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthType   "type"
 Auth type; see [2] (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthUserName   "username"
 User name for basic auth (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthPassword   "password"
 Password for basic auth (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthEnableChallengeAuth    "challengeAuth"
 Use challenge auth instead of preemptive auth for basic auth, default is false (bool); \ Implemented by BuiltInWebSocket.
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCert   "clientCert"
 TLS client certificate (value platform-dependent)
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCertKey   "clientCertKey"
 Client cert's private key (data)
#define kC4ReplicatorAuthToken   "token"
 Session cookie or auth token (string)
#define kC4AuthTypeBasic   "Basic"
 HTTP Basic (the default)
#define kC4AuthTypeSession   "Session"
 SG session cookie.
#define kC4AuthTypeOpenIDConnect   "OpenID Connect"
 OpenID Connect token.
#define kC4AuthTypeFacebook   "Facebook"
 Facebook auth token.
#define kC4AuthTypeClientCert   "Client Cert"
 TLS client cert.
#define kC4ReplicatorProxyType   "type"
 Proxy type; see [4] (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorProxyHost   "host"
 Proxy hostname (string)
#define kC4ReplicatorProxyPort   "port"
 Proxy port number (integer)
#define kC4ReplicatorProxyAuth   "auth"
 Proxy auth (Dict); see above.
#define kC4ProxyTypeNone   "none"
 Use no proxy (overrides system setting)
#define kC4ProxyTypeHTTP   "HTTP"
 HTTP proxy (using CONNECT method)
#define kC4ProxyTypeHTTPS   "HTTPS"
 HTTPS proxy (using CONNECT method)
#define kC4ProxyTypeSOCKS   "SOCKS"
 SOCKS proxy.


typedef void(* C4ReplicatorStatusChangedCallback) (C4Replicator *, C4ReplicatorStatus, void *context)
 Callback a client can register, to get progress information.
typedef void(* C4ReplicatorDocumentsEndedCallback) (C4Replicator *, bool pushing, size_t numDocs, const C4DocumentEnded *docs[], void *context)
 Callback a client can register, to hear about the replication status of documents.
typedef void(* C4ReplicatorBlobProgressCallback) (C4Replicator *, bool pushing, C4CollectionSpec collectionSpec, C4String docID, C4String docProperty, C4BlobKey blobKey, uint64_t bytesComplete, uint64_t bytesTotal, C4Error error, void *context)
 Callback a client can register, to hear about the status of blobs.
typedef bool(* C4ReplicatorValidationFunction) (C4CollectionSpec collectionSpec, C4String docID, C4String revID, C4RevisionFlags, FLDict body, void *context)
 Callback that can choose to reject an incoming pulled revision, or stop a local revision from being pushed, by returning false.
typedef void * C4ReplicatorPropertyEncryptionCallback
typedef void * C4ReplicatorPropertyDecryptionCallback


enum  C4ReplicatorMode : int32_t { kC4Disabled , kC4Passive , kC4OneShot , kC4Continuous }
enum  C4ReplicatorActivityLevel : int32_t {
  kC4Stopped , kC4Offline , kC4Connecting , kC4Idle ,
  kC4Busy , kC4Stopping
enum  C4ReplicatorStatusFlags : int32_t { kC4WillRetry = 0x1 , kC4HostReachable = 0x2 , kC4Suspended = 0x4 }
enum  C4ReplicatorProgressLevel : int32_t { kC4ReplProgressOverall , kC4ReplProgressPerDocument , kC4ReplProgressPerAttachment }


CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isValidDatabaseName (C4String dbName)
 Checks whether a database name is valid, for purposes of appearing in a replication URL.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isValidRemote (C4Address remoteAddress, C4String remoteDatabaseName, C4Error *outError)
 Checks whether the destination of a replication is valid.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4address_fromURL (C4String url, C4Address *address, C4String *dbName)
 A simple URL parser that populates a C4Address from a URL string.
CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4address_toURL (C4Address address)
 Converts a C4Address to a URL.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Replicatorc4repl_new (C4Database *db, C4Address remoteAddress, C4String remoteDatabaseName, C4ReplicatorParameters params, C4Error *outError)
 Creates a new networked replicator.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Replicatorc4repl_newWithSocket (C4Database *db, C4Socket *openSocket, C4ReplicatorParameters params, C4Error *outError)
 Creates a new replicator from an already-open C4Socket.
CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_start (C4Replicator *repl, bool reset)
 Tells a replicator to start.
CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_stop (C4Replicator *repl)
 Tells a replicator to stop.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_retry (C4Replicator *repl, C4Error *outError)
 Tells a replicator that's in the offline state to reconnect immediately.
CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setHostReachable (C4Replicator *repl, bool reachable)
 Informs the replicator whether it's considered possible to reach the remote host with the current network configuration.
CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setSuspended (C4Replicator *repl, bool suspended)
 Puts the replicator in or out of "suspended" state.
CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setOptions (C4Replicator *repl, C4Slice optionsDictFleece)
 Sets the replicator's options dictionary.
CBL_CORE_API C4ReplicatorStatus c4repl_getStatus (C4Replicator *repl)
 Returns the current state of a replicator.
CBL_CORE_API C4Slice c4repl_getResponseHeaders (C4Replicator *repl)
 Returns the HTTP response headers as a Fleece-encoded dictionary.
CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4repl_getPendingDocIDs (C4Replicator *repl, C4CollectionSpec spec, C4Error *outErr)
 Gets a fleece encoded list of IDs of documents who have revisions pending push.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isDocumentPending (C4Replicator *repl, C4String docID, C4CollectionSpec spec, C4Error *outErr)
 Checks if the document with the given ID has revisions pending push.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Certc4repl_getPeerTLSCertificate (C4Replicator *repl, C4Error *outErr)
 Gets the TLS certificate, if any, that was sent from the remote server (NOTE: Only functions when using BuiltInWebSocket)
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_setProgressLevel (C4Replicator *repl, C4ReplicatorProgressLevel level, C4Error *outErr)
 Sets the progress level of the replicator, indicating what information should be provided via callback.
NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4db_setCookie (C4Database *db, C4String setCookieHeader, C4String fromHost, C4String fromPath, bool acceptParentDomain, C4Error *outError)
 Takes the value of a "Set-Cookie:" header, received from the given host, from an HTTP request with the given path, and saves the cookie into the database's cookie store.
CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4db_getCookies (C4Database *db, C4Address request, C4Error *error)
 Locates any saved HTTP cookies relevant to the given request, and returns them as a string that can be used as the value of a "Cookie:" header.
CBL_CORE_API void c4db_clearCookies (C4Database *db)
 Removes all cookies from the database's cookie store.


CBL_CORE_API const char *const kC4ReplicatorActivityLevelNames [6]
 For convenience, an array of C strings naming the C4ReplicatorActivityLevel values.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ kC4AuthTypeBasic

#define kC4AuthTypeBasic   "Basic"

HTTP Basic (the default)

◆ kC4AuthTypeClientCert

#define kC4AuthTypeClientCert   "Client Cert"

TLS client cert.

◆ kC4AuthTypeFacebook

#define kC4AuthTypeFacebook   "Facebook"

Facebook auth token.

◆ kC4AuthTypeOpenIDConnect

#define kC4AuthTypeOpenIDConnect   "OpenID Connect"

OpenID Connect token.

◆ kC4AuthTypeSession

#define kC4AuthTypeSession   "Session"

SG session cookie.

◆ kC4ProxyTypeHTTP

#define kC4ProxyTypeHTTP   "HTTP"

HTTP proxy (using CONNECT method)

◆ kC4ProxyTypeHTTPS

#define kC4ProxyTypeHTTPS   "HTTPS"

HTTPS proxy (using CONNECT method)

◆ kC4ProxyTypeNone

#define kC4ProxyTypeNone   "none"

Use no proxy (overrides system setting)

◆ kC4ProxyTypeSOCKS

#define kC4ProxyTypeSOCKS   "SOCKS"

SOCKS proxy.

◆ kC4Replicator2Scheme

#define kC4Replicator2Scheme   C4STR("ws")

◆ kC4Replicator2TLSScheme

#define kC4Replicator2TLSScheme   C4STR("wss")

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCert

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCert   "clientCert"

TLS client certificate (value platform-dependent)

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCertKey

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthClientCertKey   "clientCertKey"

Client cert's private key (data)

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthEnableChallengeAuth

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthEnableChallengeAuth    "challengeAuth"

Use challenge auth instead of preemptive auth for basic auth, default is false (bool); \ Implemented by BuiltInWebSocket.

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthPassword

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthPassword   "password"

Password for basic auth (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthToken

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthToken   "token"

Session cookie or auth token (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthType

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthType   "type"

Auth type; see [2] (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorAuthUserName

#define kC4ReplicatorAuthUserName   "username"

User name for basic auth (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorCheckpointInterval

#define kC4ReplicatorCheckpointInterval   "checkpointInterval"

How often to checkpoint, in seconds (number)

◆ kC4ReplicatorCompressionLevel

#define kC4ReplicatorCompressionLevel   "BLIPCompressionLevel"

Data compression level, 0..9.

◆ kC4ReplicatorHeartbeatInterval

#define kC4ReplicatorHeartbeatInterval   "heartbeat"

Interval in secs to send a keepalive ping.

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionAcceptParentDomainCookies

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAcceptParentDomainCookies   "acceptParentDomainCookies"

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionAuthentication

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAuthentication   "auth"

Auth settings (Dict); see [1].

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionAutoPurge

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionAutoPurge   "autoPurge"

Enables auto purge; default is true (bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionChannels

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionChannels   "channels"

SG channel names (string[])

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionCookies

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionCookies   "cookies"

HTTP Cookie header value (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionDisableDeltas

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDisableDeltas   "noDeltas"

Disables delta sync (bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionDisablePropertyDecryption

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDisablePropertyDecryption   "noDecryption"

Disables property decryption (bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionDocIDs

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionDocIDs   "docIDs"

Docs to replicate (string[])

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionExtraHeaders

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionExtraHeaders   "headers"

Extra HTTP headers (string[])

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionFilter

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionFilter   "filter"

Pull filter name (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionFilterParams

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionFilterParams   "filterParams"

Pull filter params (Dict[string])

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetries

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetries   "maxRetries"

Max number of retry attempts (int)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetryInterval

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionMaxRetryInterval   "maxRetryInterval"

Max delay betw retries (secs)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionNoIncomingConflicts

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionNoIncomingConflicts   "noIncomingConflicts"

Reject incoming conflicts (bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionOnlySelfSignedServerCert

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionOnlySelfSignedServerCert    "onlySelfSignedServer"

Only accept self signed server certs (for P2P, bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionPinnedServerCert

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionPinnedServerCert   "pinnedCert"

Cert or public key (data)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionProxyServer

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionProxyServer   "proxy"

Proxy settings (Dict); see [3]].

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionRemoteDBUniqueID

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionRemoteDBUniqueID   "remoteDBUniqueID"

Stable ID for remote db with unstable URL (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionRootCerts

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionRootCerts   "rootCerts"

Trusted root certs (data)

◆ kC4ReplicatorOptionSkipDeleted

#define kC4ReplicatorOptionSkipDeleted   "skipDeleted"

Don't push/pull tombstones (bool)

◆ kC4ReplicatorProxyAuth

#define kC4ReplicatorProxyAuth   "auth"

Proxy auth (Dict); see above.

◆ kC4ReplicatorProxyHost

#define kC4ReplicatorProxyHost   "host"

Proxy hostname (string)

◆ kC4ReplicatorProxyPort

#define kC4ReplicatorProxyPort   "port"

Proxy port number (integer)

◆ kC4ReplicatorProxyType

#define kC4ReplicatorProxyType   "type"

Proxy type; see [4] (string)

◆ kC4SocketOptionNetworkInterface

#define kC4SocketOptionNetworkInterface    "networkInterface"

Specific network interface (name or IP address) used for connecting to the remote server.

◆ kC4SocketOptionWSProtocols

#define kC4SocketOptionWSProtocols   "WS-Protocols"

Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header value.

Typedef Documentation

◆ C4ReplicatorBlobProgressCallback

typedef void(* C4ReplicatorBlobProgressCallback) (C4Replicator *, bool pushing, C4CollectionSpec collectionSpec, C4String docID, C4String docProperty, C4BlobKey blobKey, uint64_t bytesComplete, uint64_t bytesTotal, C4Error error, void *context)

Callback a client can register, to hear about the status of blobs.

◆ C4ReplicatorDocumentsEndedCallback

typedef void(* C4ReplicatorDocumentsEndedCallback) (C4Replicator *, bool pushing, size_t numDocs, const C4DocumentEnded *docs[], void *context)

Callback a client can register, to hear about the replication status of documents.

By default, only errors will be reported via this callback. To also receive callbacks for successfully completed documents, set the kC4ReplicatorOptionProgressLevel option to a value greater than zero.

◆ C4ReplicatorPropertyDecryptionCallback

◆ C4ReplicatorPropertyEncryptionCallback

◆ C4ReplicatorStatusChangedCallback

typedef void(* C4ReplicatorStatusChangedCallback) (C4Replicator *, C4ReplicatorStatus, void *context)

Callback a client can register, to get progress information.

This will be called on arbitrary background threads, and should not block.

◆ C4ReplicatorValidationFunction

typedef bool(* C4ReplicatorValidationFunction) (C4CollectionSpec collectionSpec, C4String docID, C4String revID, C4RevisionFlags, FLDict body, void *context)

Callback that can choose to reject an incoming pulled revision, or stop a local revision from being pushed, by returning false.

(Note: In the case of an incoming revision, no flags other than 'deletion' and 'hasAttachments' will be set.)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ C4ReplicatorActivityLevel

enum C4ReplicatorActivityLevel : int32_t

Finished, or got a fatal error.


Connection failed, but waiting to retry. *‍/.


Connection is in progress.


Continuous replicator has caught up and is waiting for changes.


Connected and actively working.


Stopping or going offline.

◆ C4ReplicatorMode

enum C4ReplicatorMode : int32_t

◆ C4ReplicatorProgressLevel

enum C4ReplicatorProgressLevel : int32_t

Callback about completion and estimated total (C4ReplicatorStatusChangedCallback)


Callback for every document replicated (C4ReplicatorDocumentsEndedCallback)


Callback for every document and attachment replicated (C4ReplicatorBlobProgressCallback)

◆ C4ReplicatorStatusFlags

enum C4ReplicatorStatusFlags : int32_t

If true, will automatically reconnect when offline.


If false, it's not possible to connect to the host.


If true, will not connect until unsuspended.

Function Documentation

◆ c4address_fromURL()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4address_fromURL ( C4String  url,
C4Address address,
C4String dbName 

A simple URL parser that populates a C4Address from a URL string.

The fields of the address will point inside the url string.

urlThe URL to be parsed.
addressOn sucess, the fields of the struct this points to will be populated with the address components. This that are slices will point into the appropriate substrings of url.
dbNameIf non-NULL, then on success this slice will point to the last path component of url; address->path will not include this component.
True on success, false on failure.

◆ c4address_toURL()

CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4address_toURL ( C4Address  address)

Converts a C4Address to a URL.

◆ c4db_clearCookies()

CBL_CORE_API void c4db_clearCookies ( C4Database db)

Removes all cookies from the database's cookie store.

◆ c4db_getCookies()

CBL_CORE_API C4StringResult c4db_getCookies ( C4Database db,
C4Address  request,
C4Error error 

Locates any saved HTTP cookies relevant to the given request, and returns them as a string that can be used as the value of a "Cookie:" header.

◆ c4db_setCookie()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4db_setCookie ( C4Database db,
C4String  setCookieHeader,
C4String  fromHost,
C4String  fromPath,
bool  acceptParentDomain,
C4Error outError 

Takes the value of a "Set-Cookie:" header, received from the given host, from an HTTP request with the given path, and saves the cookie into the database's cookie store.

(Persistent cookies are saved as metadata in the database file until they expire. Session cookies are kept in memory, until the last C4Database handle to the given database is closed.)

dbThe C4Databaser instance.
setCookieHeaderThe "Set-Cookie" header.
fromHostThe host address of the request.
fromPathThe path of the request.
acceptParentDomainWhether to allow the "Domain" property of the cookie to be a parent domain of the host address. It should match the option, kC4ReplicatorOptionAcceptParentDomainCookies, in C4ReplicatorParameters.
outErrorRecords error information, if any.
true if the cookie is successfully saved..

◆ c4repl_getPeerTLSCertificate()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Cert * c4repl_getPeerTLSCertificate ( C4Replicator repl,
C4Error outErr 

Gets the TLS certificate, if any, that was sent from the remote server (NOTE: Only functions when using BuiltInWebSocket)

◆ c4repl_getPendingDocIDs()

CBL_CORE_API C4SliceResult c4repl_getPendingDocIDs ( C4Replicator repl,
C4CollectionSpec  spec,
C4Error outErr 

Gets a fleece encoded list of IDs of documents who have revisions pending push.

This API is a snapshot and results may change between the time the call was made and the time the call returns.

replThe C4Replicator instance.
specThe collection spec
outErrOn failure, error information will be written here if non-NULL.
A fleece encoded array of document IDs, each of which has one or more pending revisions. If none are pending, nullslice is returned (note that an error condition will return nullslice with the outErr code set to non-zero)

◆ c4repl_getResponseHeaders()

CBL_CORE_API C4Slice c4repl_getResponseHeaders ( C4Replicator repl)

Returns the HTTP response headers as a Fleece-encoded dictionary.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4repl_getStatus()

CBL_CORE_API C4ReplicatorStatus c4repl_getStatus ( C4Replicator repl)

Returns the current state of a replicator.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4repl_isDocumentPending()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isDocumentPending ( C4Replicator repl,
C4String  docID,
C4CollectionSpec  spec,
C4Error outErr 

Checks if the document with the given ID has revisions pending push.

This API is a snapshot and results may change between the time the call was made and the time the call returns.

replThe C4Replicator instance.
docIDThe ID of the document to check
specThe collection the docID belongs to.
outErrOn failure, error information will be written here if non-NULL.
true if the document has one or more revisions pending, false otherwise (note that an error condition will return false with the outErr code set to non-zero)

◆ c4repl_isValidDatabaseName()

CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isValidDatabaseName ( C4String  dbName)

Checks whether a database name is valid, for purposes of appearing in a replication URL.

◆ c4repl_isValidRemote()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_isValidRemote ( C4Address  remoteAddress,
C4String  remoteDatabaseName,
C4Error outError 

Checks whether the destination of a replication is valid.

(c4repl_new makes the same checks; this function is exposed so CBL can fail sooner.)

◆ c4repl_new()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Replicator * c4repl_new ( C4Database db,
C4Address  remoteAddress,
C4String  remoteDatabaseName,
C4ReplicatorParameters  params,
C4Error outError 

Creates a new networked replicator.

dbThe local database.
remoteAddressThe address of the remote server.
remoteDatabaseNameThe name of the database at the remote address.
paramsReplication parameters (see above.)
outErrorError, if replication can't be created.
The newly created replicator, or NULL on error.

◆ c4repl_newWithSocket()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API C4Replicator * c4repl_newWithSocket ( C4Database db,
C4Socket openSocket,
C4ReplicatorParameters  params,
C4Error outError 

Creates a new replicator from an already-open C4Socket.

This is for use by listeners that accept incoming connections, wrap them by calling c4socket_fromNative(), then start a passive replication to service them.

dbThe local database.
openSocketAn already-created C4Socket.
paramsReplication parameters. Will usually use kC4Passive modes.
outErrorError, if replication can't be created.
The newly created replicator, or NULL on error.

◆ c4repl_retry()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_retry ( C4Replicator repl,
C4Error outError 

Tells a replicator that's in the offline state to reconnect immediately.

This function is thread-safe.
replThe replicator.
outErrorOn failure, error information is stored here.
True if the replicator will reconnect, false if it won't.

◆ c4repl_setHostReachable()

CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setHostReachable ( C4Replicator repl,
bool  reachable 

Informs the replicator whether it's considered possible to reach the remote host with the current network configuration.

The default value is true. This only affects the replicator's behavior while it's in the Offline state: Setting it to false will cancel any pending retry and prevent future automatic retries. Setting it back to true will initiate an immediate retry.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4repl_setOptions()

CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setOptions ( C4Replicator repl,
C4Slice  optionsDictFleece 

Sets the replicator's options dictionary.

The changes will take effect next time the replicator connects.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4repl_setProgressLevel()

NODISCARD CBL_CORE_API bool c4repl_setProgressLevel ( C4Replicator repl,
C4ReplicatorProgressLevel  level,
C4Error outErr 

Sets the progress level of the replicator, indicating what information should be provided via callback.

replThe C4Replicator instance.
levelThe progress level to set on the replicator
outErrRecords error information, if any.
true if the progress level was set, false if there was an error.

◆ c4repl_setSuspended()

CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_setSuspended ( C4Replicator repl,
bool  suspended 

Puts the replicator in or out of "suspended" state.

Setting suspended=true causes the replicator to disconnect and enter Offline state; it will not attempt to reconnect while it's suspended. Setting suspended=false causes the replicator to attempt to reconnect, if it was connected when suspended, and is still in Offline state.

This function is thread-safe.

◆ c4repl_start()

CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_start ( C4Replicator repl,
bool  reset 

Tells a replicator to start.

Ignored if it's not in the Stopped state.

This function is thread-safe.
Do not call this function while a transaction is open on the same database as it can deadlock when repl tries to acquire the database.
replThe C4Replicator instance.
resetIf true, the replicator will reset its checkpoint and start replication from the beginning

◆ c4repl_stop()

CBL_CORE_API void c4repl_stop ( C4Replicator repl)

Tells a replicator to stop.

Ignored if in the Stopped state. This function is thread-safe.

Variable Documentation

◆ kC4ReplicatorActivityLevelNames

CBL_CORE_API const char* const kC4ReplicatorActivityLevelNames[6]

For convenience, an array of C strings naming the C4ReplicatorActivityLevel values.